Mis en examen pour complicite d'activites criminelles, le milliardaire russe a promis d'ameliorer la collaboration avec les autorites judiciaires et la moderation.
Although Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, claims he was previously unaware of the extent of illegal activities on the platform, he now admits to being "disgusted" and acknowledges the seriousness of the issue. He pledged to improve content moderation on Telegram and has pointed to an increase in responses to authorities' requests for user identification as evidence of this commitment.
Although Telegram's founder, Pavel Durov, claims he was previously unaware of the extent of illegal activities on the platform, he now admits to being "disgusted" and acknowledges the seriousness of the issue. He pledged to improve content moderation on Telegram and has pointed to an increase in responses to authorities' requests for user identification as evidence of this commitment.